The iconic Pink Ladies’ Tractor Road Run has raised an astonishing sum for charity following this year’s event.
Organisers of The Pink Ladies’ Tractor Road Run have announced this year’s fundraising total of £127,150 at their annual celebration evening.
The total was announced for the first time at a cheque presentation in front of hundreds of supporters including this year’s Pink Ladies, the support crew, marshals and the wider team.
The Pink Ladies’ Tractor Road Run has raised £1,224,150 since 2004
The first Pink Ladies’ Tractor Road Run took place in 2004 and this year’s collection takes the total raised by the event to more than £1,224,150 – all in aid of Cancer Research UK’s breast cancer appeal.
In July, a bumper number of ladies took part in the run with a convoy of 178 tractors swathed in pink travelling a 20-mile route through south Norfolk and north Suffolk.Organiser Annie Chapman said: “Much to my amazement, we had a stunning number of entries this year. I really thought the numbers would drop back as last year was such a special event with the 20th anniversary and the incentive to reach the £1million – which we smashed!!
“Despite slightly inclement weather, it only really rained at lunchtime, we actually had a great run! There were 191 ladies on 178 tractors and of those wonderful ladies, 63 of them were new to the run!
“Thank you to everybody for whatever you have done for this tractor run, none of it would happen without a full team effort.”
At the presentation, Annie was joined by Pink Lady Dawn Briggs, who presented the cheque to Sophia France, Relationship Manager for Norfolk and Suffolk at Cancer Research UK.
Before presenting the cheque, Dawn said: “Thank you to Annie for giving me this honour. I’ve driven in the Pink Ladies Tractor Run since 2007 and I’ve always known it was a worthwhile and important cause. However, last year it was brought home to me in the worst possible way with my daughter Julie being diagnosed with breast cancer.
“The chemotherapy was targeted at the type of breast cancer she had. Through the research that Cancer Research are able to do and the money we raise helps pay for, they were able to pinpoint the cancer and give her the right type of drug to target it and hopefully eradicate it.
“That’s why we should continue to drive our pink tractors every year so more and more people will be like my brave and beautiful daughter and be beautiful, brave survivors.”
On receiving the cheque on behalf of Cancer Research UK, Sophia said: “Wow! All of the research we do could not happen at all without people like you, every single one of you.
“You should be really proud of yourselves because this is a phenomenal amount of money”
“Every single penny you raise and every single minute you take out of your day to fundraise, helps. You make all our progress possible. You should be really proud of yourselves because this is a phenomenal amount of money, thank you so much.”
This year’s Run took place on Sunday 7th July and thousands of people packed the route, cheering on the Pink Ladies in towns, villages, laybys and gardens.
Houses and businesses were bedecked in pink bunting, banners and flags and many supporters were dressed head-to-toe in pink.
For more information about the event please visit